Winter Solstice takes hold this year on Saturday december 21st at 9.19 am in the UK, when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, and the longest night of the year. From this day forward the Sun is reborn and a new cycle of life for the Sun begins bringing a new year of life and growth. At this time we acknowledge the hope and potential of a new cycle of growth and transformation.
It is also important at this time of year as we have been travelling towards to darkest night to acknowledge our shadow side and embrace the darker side of our spirituality. With this in mind we can honour the Goddess NYX and be thankful to her as she guides us through the darkness. NYX Elixir is a ritual oil/perfume that can be used at this time in meditation, ritual or simply everyday support as we head into the Winter months with NYX by our side.
Nyx was the primordial Goddess and personification of the Night. Her time of year is the Winter and she rules over the longest night, the Winter Solstice. She is the daughter of Chaos, from whence all life was created,and was the sister of Erebus, (darkness), Gaea, (earth) and Tartarus (the pit). Together with Erebus she created Aether (light) and Hemera (day) as well as many other gods, fates and spirits.
She was fiercely protective of her children, so much so that Zeus would not cross her.
As darkness descends Nyx wraps us in her cloak of black, she is the mother of envy, fear, wretchedness,discord and strife, she invites us to walk with her into the unknown,, to face our fears and uncertainties and learn our strengths.With her cloak of darkness around us she takes us into the shadows to face our darkest traits, misgivings, and regrets. She is the mother of Nemesis, retribution for our actions, she is the mother of old age, who we cannot avoid, fraud,nightmares and misery.
But she is also the mother of friendship and compassion and most of all she is the mother of Hemera, Day and Aether, Light whom she passes each morning to allow the light back in after the darkness of her night. Nyx reminds us that we have to find balance with the light and the dark. To evolve we must not fear, but face the darkness with all its challenges, accept it and embrace the power within, and she is there to guide us. With her guidance and protection we find our inner strengths. If we walk with her into the darkness, we may be wiser in the light of day.
Nyx essence is a ritual oil that can be used on the pulse points - the temples, lower jaw, neck, wrists, inside elbow and knee and ankles. It is safe to be massaged into the face and neck but testing on another area of skin is recommended before you do so.
In order to accurately honour Nyx I have added a small amount of oil of Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet Nightshade which is why I advise to try a skin test before applying larger amounts. This plant is a Saturnian herb, connected with the underworld, the shadow realm and integration with our shadow side. The winding vine grows up out of the shadows and produces blood red berries. She helps us to define our boundaries and offers us protection.
I have been working with this essence for a while and found no problem at all with the small amount of Solanum dulcamara.
NYX ELIXIR contains Mugwort oil, known for its relation with the moon, sleep and dreamtime,and is a plant associated with NYX. There is also evening primrose, as a night flowering plant associated with NYX and almond and wheatgerm oils. These are accompanied by an essential oil formula containing rich essential oils such as benzoin, sandalwood and vanilla, with cypress and juniper, all associated with Nyx, plus a few secret ingredients!
All herbs were harvested in accordance with the Moon cycles and Planetary days and hours associated with NYX.
The ELIXIR was first bottled on the Winter Solstice
Triple Goddess
A 'mother' from this first elixir carries on into each new formulation every year on the solstice
Wear the Goddess and you will find that journeying into the dark can be very illuminating!
Thank you for choosing Herbwerx on your journey!
With love from Herbwerx and the Plantz